1-24; Supernatural (from a battle I did here with the lovely scoobyatemysnax 25, 26, 29, 32, 33; Game of Thrones 27 + 31; Harry Potter 28, 30, 34-36; Lord of the Rings 25-33; Cross-guild battle for theiconquesthere.
23 | Breaking Bad 1 | Dexter 2 | Doctor Who 1 | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2 | Fight Club 2 | Harry Potter 1 | House of Flying Daggers 1 | Lord of the Rings 2 | Merlin 3 | Misfits 1 | Supernatural 1 | Teen Wolf 1 | the Walking Dead 1 | the Big Lebowski 11 | the Vampire Diaries
This is my first attempt at the first challenge at theiconquest (which is an amazing community that you should join, by the way!). The theme was "adventure" and this is my first time iconning a couple of these fandoms but I had a lot of fun! I hope you like these :)
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† 1-13; Game of Thrones † 14-22; Game of Thrones Houses † 23-38; Harry Potter Houses † 39-41; Sherlock † 42; The Vampire Diaries † Note: The Game of Thrones house icons were taken from my Game of Thrones house posters from Tumblr, here.
I haven't posted in a while and had these random icons lying around so I figured I'd post them in a batch. Note: The animated icons are pretty bad. When I made them I was trying to make them awkward and lulzy (not that I could have made them better than this; I suck at making animated icons!).
† 1-18; Harry Potter (originally created for and
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